Tuesday, June 28, 2005

It's Quiz Time 2!

Quiz Time 2

Yr Host - Aaman Lamba

Another quiz - again along eclectic lines, including a few variations that are popular in quizzing circles.

The Questions - Stage I

1. Identify the questioner, and the responder.     
"Are you running for something?"
"No, sir, Mr. President. Are you?"


2.Identify the artist, whose paintings recently outsold Andy Warhol and Renoir


3.Hydrogen bombs were exploded on Teegeeack to solve their over-population problem by Xenu, before plugging in circuits for the survivors. What is this fantastical tale?

4.William Shakespeare incorrectly set Act 3, Scene 3 of The Winter's Tale in "________. A desert country near the sea." Which country?

5.In the near future, when TVs can't be shut off and ratings are all that matter, investigative reporter Edison Carter (Matt Frewer) and his alter-ego battle to keep the "blank" generation informed. In the opener, Carter stumbles across his own network's cover-up of a sometimes deadly new form of TV advertising called "blipverts". Name the alter-ego

6.(This question is dedicated to Alan Dale). Identify the artist, whose paintings are shown below. He said his most important influence were the films of Luis Bunuel. He also drew inspiration from photographs (such as those of Eadweard Muybridge), the poems of T. S. Eliot, the plays of Aeschylus, and the chaos of his famous studio. About the studio, he remarked: "for me, chaos breeds images."


7. He made his first public appearance Jan. 17, 1929, in Elzie Segar's then 10-year-old comic strip, "Thimble Theatre" as a minor walk-on character. Name him.

8. This Brit Pop star is named after a character from Wim Wenders' 'Paris, Texas' and his 1999 album was 'The Man Who'. Who?

9. Dundrearies are long flowing side whiskers,named after Lord Dundreary who used to sport these moustaches in a 19th century play by Tom Taylor. Which play?.

10. He has a brother named 'Lore'.He has read all the Sherlock Holmes books.He has studied the violin, guitar,oboe and the flute.He has mastered ballroom dancing.He also plays poker, knows blackjack, and appreciates Gilbert & Sullivan operas. He also held the chair of Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge.Who?.

11. In 1998, during tough times, she started knitting. But she couldn't find a bag -- at a reasonable price -- to carry her yarn. So she made one herself.immediately, people started asking her to make bags for them and the idea just took off! And that's how she got into the business of making bags, after her more infamous bout of publicity. Who?.

To wrap up, The following is called a Stage 2 in quizzing circles. Six simple questions, connected by a common theme. Traditionally, each would be asked in order, and any team could interrupt the round by pressing their buzzer and taking a shot at the theme. Right answers early on got more points, and wrong answers were penalized. Try guessing the theme before looking at each answer.

Stage II

1. He is a recurring character in the Monkey Island series of computer games. His initial appearance was as a shady used boat salesman on Mêlée Island in The Secret of Monkey Island. Who?

2. Which Military base was closest to the ranch of William Ware "Mack" Brazel?

3. In J R R Tolkien's mythology, the Valar and the Maiar are modeled on which aspects of Christian cosmology?

4. Name Abraham Lincoln's pet dog, who could not accompany him to the White House, because it was afraid of loud noises.

5. This musical centers around a group of impoverished young artists and musicians struggling to survive in New York's Alphabet City neighborhood under the shadow of AIDS.Name it.

6. The name of this ancient place comes from the Phoenician for "New City". Name the city.

And the common theme is...

I hope y'all enjoyed this quiz - until next time. And do send in your questions if you'd like them used - mail me at aamanlamba gmail

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