Saturday, August 06, 2005

Technorati Tagging your blog posts

Via A Consuming Experience,A painless means of adding tags to one's post - including multiple,multi-word tags - very useful for blogger or other blogging software that does not provide categorization.
There are a few ways you can easily create Technorati tags, such as by using a bookmarklet tag creator, or a Greasemonkey script for Firefox.

But they require manual tinkering after the event if you want to have tags which consist of several words (like "A Consuming Experience", which I use as a tag at the end of each of my posts). Now, there are ways to automatically output tags which consist of more than one word, by tweaks to those tag generators.

She provides a bookmarklet for Firefox users to easily generate tag code, which is pretty nifty.It includes meblogging tags, so change YOURNAME and YOURBLOGNAME, or remove them if you're not into explicit self-aggrandizement:

Also, Ted Ernst provides another bookmarklet that allows one to tag your posts to, rather than to technorati - apparently technorati will treat these as regular technorati tags - change his username to yours.

Technorati Tags: , , , , ,

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